How important is a persons life

Did you know that if you were hit with a life or death situation many areas are not calling LifeFlight. They are taking patients to trauma 2 centers, then later calling LifeFlight and too many times they fly them to a trauma 1 center for you to be told they are gone.. Why is this? These people have the lives of our friends and family in their own hands and most of the time they dont care.  It shouldnt matter where you live who you are or even how much money you make .. It needs to be changed.

I never knew this was happening until valentines day when my son was in a bad car wreck and taken to a trauma 2 center. Hours later he was flown out. When we got to the trauma 1 center we were told it was to late. 

Why wasn't he life flighted from scene to get the surgery he needed? This is because too many rural areas aren't using life flight or airevaq, or anything else. They are taking them to hospitals that cant do anything to save them. They say because we dont have trauma centers people are dying. No, it is because they aren't using the resources already set in place.  Isnt that what life flight is for? I think it is, so why not use it? I dont want anymore families to go through what my family has, a life is not something to play with, and every second counts. Help me to fight to make it mandatory that they use any and all means possible to save a life in memory of my son Michael. He was 19 years old and a wonderful person, he deserved to live.